Lots of Folky Fun

My blog was established in conjunction with my participation in FOLK F121 "Introduction to Folklife" at Indiana University, Fall 2006.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

peer response

This blog is a peer response to Btown Folk’s response about being far from home. Btown Folk wrote about moving away from home after living in the same town for such a long time. He made a big leap from going from a small town, to a huge school like IU with 40,000 people. He soon was able to connect with a small, close-knit group of people, so he was able to feel more like he was at home.

When I first came to IU, I thought that I would never see anyone I knew because the campus is just so big. I knew that I would have to fit in somewhere and find my own “folk group”, but it just didn’t seem possible with that many students. Four years ago, on my first day as a freshman, I realized that two people from my high school were living on the floor right below me. I couldn’t believe it and knew that I would be able to find my own group. Over the next several weeks, as I joined Hillel, the Jewish group on campus, I started noticing more and more people I knew. Everywhere I went, I would see people I knew from Hillel and it would just amaze me that with a campus so big, I would be able to connect with so many people so quickly. Even within Hillel, I met people who went to my camp and we would be able to sit for hours and just share things that no one else would understand. I didn’t even know they went to school at IU, but they introduced me to people they knew and it just snowballed into a huge group.

There is just something that makes me feel good when I walk through campus and randomly see people I know. It makes me feel even better when I haven’t seen them in a long time and get to reconnect. I hope that this will continue on when I move away from IU and get a job somewhere else. I am looking forward to the day when I run into someone I met from IU and can just stand in the middle of the street and reminisce.


Blogger Jason Baird Jackson said...

Your post is a nice read, but you did not discuss your classmate's blog entry as described in the guidelines. If you want to do give it a second try and revise, just let me know you have done this and I will look again.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Jason Baird Jackson said...

Thanks for the updated post!

9:00 PM  

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